An inconvenient truth.

Julie Babyar
4 min readApr 5, 2020

There is a God.

And He is in control.

Whether or not you agree, well that’s up to you. I respect and love you the same, obviously.

It is convenient to believe in God when we are ready to join the crowd at the holidays, or when we want to be in favor.

In reality, it is inconvenient to believe in God most of the time. Like when we just want to have fun, or be selfish, or look out for our materials first. Or when we want to prove we are academically or intellectually or philosophically or artistically superior. Like when we are afraid of what our cool others will say. It is inconvenient when we can’t explain it, or when they are too many religions and so who are we to believe, so the efficient answer is that He must not be real.

Then again, I didn’t tell you I was here to be cool or efficient or superior alongside you. I didn’t even tell you I’m here to preach to you. I’m not.…I don’t have all the answers and my real voice is soft so I’d make a terrible preacher.

I told you I am here because I love you.

Yes, man-made religions are shockingly imperfect, with man-made imperfections soaking every aspect. Yet imperfect people can find a way through to God anyway (and this never includes hurting another human, by the way).

Yes, atheist and agnostic hearts shine through with kindness, love and generosity all the time in our world. Yet it is my belief that those hearts, and our human connections to one another, are unexamined evidence of something more. The human condition itself is evidence.

Yes, there are “useful” aspects to religion, like hope and forgiveness. Yet those that would rationalize away a God and replace Him with alternative compliments about spirituality are missing the deeper point. Attempts to simplify the truth contradict the simple truth, actually in fact. The simple truth is that a high power exists.

Yes, I went to church early on and that likely shaped my brain. Yet a childhood of church didn’t shape my heart, nor did this childhood experience create the undeniable adult stories, future challenges and paths to you. And we all know it.

On a very private and personal note, I most favor three: Proverbs 16:9, Proverbs 3:5–6, Proverbs 27:19. This only gets more true with time.

Yes, there is an incredible amount of human — and animal — suffering. Yet who am I to think I should have it all figured out, explained and controlled? There is also a lot of good in the world.

He exists even among you groups that I fell in love with in Silicon Valley, Hollywood, all the world. He is superior, He is in charge, and He can do things that you will never figure out. And while no one can speak for a higher power, His existence is unconcerned with how much you are trying to prove to the world about your own selves.

Also true: it doesn’t matter what we’ve done in life, or how ill-willed, regrettable or immoral we have been. To paraphrase a Dumas story I love so much, even if you don’t believe in Him, He believes in you.

They say we are to fear God. Yet because of God, I am unafraid.

So, may we walk the walk and remember all our days. May a seemingly inconvenient truth become a celebrated convenience one day.

(Kinda like when I told you I loved you so long ago. I thought it was the worst and cried over it. And now look where we are, me telling you what I know to be true down deep.)

In case you are silently asking….even if someone were to share a close encounter with a galaxy far, far away, I know God is still in charge.

Moving forward in science, medicine and the scientific process, we must know this. As an evidence-based health professional, I know that conversations on spirituality are not easy. It is not easy to talk about something that can be doubted, dismissed and unproven. An evidence-based professional doesn’t impose unnecessary inconvenience. It can be inconvenient to live a life that God asks. We must use every scientific, mathematical and intelligent means toward progress we have. Using God as an irrational explanation for why something occurs would be ignoring the tools we’ve been given. Yet we shouldn’t deny that God is real just to feel like we’re advancing….it’s quite the opposite.

And I affirm what I stated privately: science must bend with faith or break in the wind.

I do know that many of you have been paying attention, or have become part of our lasting story. There may be other explanations for much of what happens through coincidence. However, if I was a betting person, I’d bet on God.

I hope the inconvenience of this will help you set aside some time to get grounded. Mostly, I hope you will find or know, trust and love God.

I know in my heart He exists.

I told you, the world, I loved you. This love shines through with respect and honesty.

So out of love, I respectfully and honestly and firmly tell you that I know there is a God.

And He is in control.

May a seemingly inconvenient truth guide you through all the rest of your days.

God exists.

